Sunday, December 28, 2008

Something 'Bout Faris, sume Farisians kene baca!

This is my last one before I go back.

Ni saje je nak post. I was thinking that f5 must have been a very busy and turbulent year..and is it true that during f5lah yang paling banyak guna duit?

I really need to hear your views on this.

And then masa KOT and stuff, is it necessary to pay up all that money??

I know if I refuse to pay, people would say that I'm not being supportivela, I'm selfish and xde semangatla

but then again, I'd have better things to do with that money rather than squander it all off in one go.

yeah, people say it's f5, it's the final year, it wouldn't hurt to have fun. but to me, being broke is not fun at all.

I mean, through all of these years, I bet there are some of Farisians whose parents have a lower income than mine, no offense, but why don't they complain of all this excessive expenditure?

It surprises me, back then in the early days of Faris, i.e. zaman2 alumni presiden dulu, I don't think it was this burdening.

So, now we're like an elite school after being crowned a 'cluster school'? An epitome of perfect luxury?

I'm not asking for it to be difficult, well, I just thought that this money extortion is absurd!

Well, that's about it, I'd like to hear some feedback, whether you disagree or not. Would really appreciate it if you'd comment.

I guess this blog should be about sharing your opinions about Faris. It doesn't have to be complaints all the time, but constructive criticism would be good so that we can improve in the future.
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman. Hendaklah kamu menjadi orang-orang yang sering menegakkan (kebenaran) kerana Allah, menjadi saksi yang adil. Dan janganlah sekali-kali kebencianmu terhadap sesuatu kaum mendorong kamu untuk berlaku tidak adil. Berlakulah adil, kerana adil itu lebih hampir kepada takwa. Dan bertakwalah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan" (Al-Maaidah, 5)

contohilah lebah...

Rasulullah saw. bersabda, “Perumpamaan orang beriman itu bagaikan lebah. Ia makan yang bersih, mengeluarkan sesuatu yang bersih, hinggap di tempat yang bersih dan tidak merusak atau mematahkan (yang dihinggapinya).” (Ahmad, Al-Hakim, dan Al-Bazzar)

Seorang mukmin adalah manusia yang memiliki sifat-sifat unggul. Sifat-sifat itu membuatnya memiliki keistimewaan dibandingkan dengan manusia lain. Sehingga di mana pun dia berada, kemana pun dia pergi, apa yang dia lakukan, peran dan tugas apa pun yang dia emban akan selalu membawa manfaat dan maslahat bagi manusia lain. Maka jadilah dia orang yang seperti dijelaskan Rasulullah saw., “Manusia paling baik adalah yang paling banyak memberikan manfaat bagi manusia lain.”

ini kuambil daripada forum di laman web ESQWAY 165...
jika ada kesempatan...
pergilah semua training ESQ...
kerna..aku sendiri agak sukar mengungkapkan segala-galanya melalui kata-kata..tulisan dan sebagainya...

semoga ALLAH merahmati kalian...

Thursday, December 25, 2008


salam 'alayk dari pj..

ampun dan maaf saya dahului kerana sudah lama tidak mengisi ruangan yang ada di blog ini. saya sudah pun meletakkan nama baru di blog ini, cuma saya masih perlukan pandangan anda sekalian. saya juga telah mengambil sedikit masa untuk mencari latar yang baru, tetapi nampaknya, tiada yang bersesuaian. maka, saya inginkan pertolongan daripada beberapa pihak yang pakar dalam menambahbaikkan blog ini.

dan untuk pengetahuan, peperiksaan pertengahan semester saya akan tiba dalam masa kurang satu minggu. jadi, kesibukan saya sememangnya akan bertambah.

apa yang perlu anda lakukan:

1. berikan pandangan tentang nama baru ini.
2. cadangkan latar yang menarik dan laman sesawang latar berkenaan bolehlah ditunjukkan kepada saudari kamilah.
3. minta kepada saudara hidayat supaya dapat menyumbangkan gambar2 sekolah yang menarik untuk dilengkapkan dalam blog ini.
4. [senarai seterusnya akan saya cuba tambahkan dari masa ke masa]


Thursday, December 18, 2008


This post was taken from

About jannah, paradise, heaven, syurga..
from Dr Aini Afifah binti Abdul Karim

When Mu'min will enter into Jannah, it will be announced
1. You will remain healthy forever, disease will never come.
2. You will remain alive for ever, death will never come.
3. You will remain in bounties which will never be finished.

Jannat is made with Bricks of Gold and Silver.
Its cement is of perfumed Musk. Its chips are pearls and Yaqoot.
Its sand is Zafraan.

There are eight doors ofJannah.
These are eight grades of Jannat
1. Jannatul Mava
2. Darul Maqaam
3. Darul Salaam
4. Darul Khuld
5. Jannat-ul-Adan
6. Jannat-ul-Naeem
7. Jannat-ul-Kasif
8. Jannat-ul-Firdous

Food of Jannah
They will eat foods and fruits continuously up to 40 years.
Every bowl will have a new taste. They will take eructation which will digest the food and there will be perfumed sweating for the digestion of water. There will be no urine and stool.

There will be gardens in Jannah. Every garden will have the length of about 100 year's journey. The shadow of these gardens will be very dense. Their plants will be free of thorns.The size of their leaves will be equal to ears of elephants. Their fruits will be hanging in rows.

Jannatul Mava is in the lowest, Jannat-ul-Adan is the middle & Jannat-ul- Firdous is on the highest.

Those who love each other for the sake of Allah will get a pillar of Yaqoot, On which there will be seventy thousand (70,000) rooms. These will shine for the residents of Jannah as the sun shines for the residents of Duniya.

There will be rooms in Jannah in such a way that every room will have seventy thousand (70,000) dinning sheets. On every dinning sheet 70,000 types of foods will be served. For their service 80,000 young boys will be moving around looking like beautiful scattered pearls.

One bunch of dates will be equal to the length of 12 arms. The size of a date will be equal to the big pitcher. These will be whiter than milk, sweeter than honey and softer than butter and free Of seeds. The stem of these plants will be made up of gold and silver.There will also be gardens of grapes. The bunches of grapes will be very big. The size of a single grape will be equal to a big pitcher.

Someone asked, ya Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alaihi wasallam): will it be sufficient for me and my family. It was answered, it will be sufficient for you and your whole tribe.

The Dresses of Jannah
The dress of Jannah will be very beautiful. One will wear 70 dresses at a time. These will be very fine, delicate, weightless, having different colors. These dresses will be so fine that the body even the heart will be visible.
And the waves of love in the hearts will also be visible.These dresses will never become old, never be dirty and will never tear.

There will be four canals in every Jannah.
1. Water
2. Milk
3. Honey
4. Sharabun Tahoora.

There will also be three fountains in Jannah:
1. Kafoor
2. Zanjabeel
3. Tasneem

Qualities of People of Jannah:
In Jannah, height of every Mo 'min, will be equal to the height of Hazrat Adam (Alaihissalaam) 60 arms (90 feet).

Beauty will be like that of Hazrat Yousuf (Alaihissalaam)

Age of youth will be like that of Hazrat Esa (Alaihissalaam) 30-33 years

Sweetness of voice will be like that of Hazrat Dawud (Alaihissalaam)

Tolerance will be like that of Hazrat Yaqoob (Alaihissalaam)

Patience will be like that of Hazrat Ayyub (Alaihissalaam)

Habits will be like that of Sayyaduna Muhammad (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam)

NOTE: If a person makes Du'a for Jannah three times, Jannah requests to Allah that ‘O, Allah; make his entry into Jannah’.And if a person makes Du'a for safety from Jahannum three times, The Jahannnum requests to Allah that, ‘O, Allah; save him from Jahannum’.

Do feel free to link this post or copy and paste this post and spread this wonderful message towards all our brothers and sisters.

To whoever this concerns

Kepada siapa-siapa warga Farisian yang ada personal blog bolehlah 'promotenya' di sini.

Saya punya:

Kalau ada masa, bolehlah kami sama-sama berkunjung untuk mengeratkan hubungan dalam kalangan komuniti blogger Farisian yang semakin berkembang ini.


mana lagi contributer lain punye post?

Monday, December 8, 2008

al-fitnatu asyaddu min al-qatla

"I'm sick of being followed
I'm tired of people lying
Saying what they want about me
Why can't they back up off me
Why can't they let me live
I'm gonna do it my way
Take this for just what it is"
-Lindsay Lohan, Rumors-

Ever got your inbox full of forwarded messages that also request you to forward the message if not something bad will happen to you? Or have you been wondering why you have always been the victim of gossips, like Lindsay Lohan? Here's the answer why.

There's this article on why rumors persist written by Taylor Clark. He calls it 'The 8 1/2 Laws Of Rumor-Mongering'. An interesting read really, since it is applicable to any hman being of any race, of any religion of any walk of life.

A summary of the laws are:
1. Successful rumours needle our anxieties and emotions
Example: once at my school, people were spreading the rumor of a 'devil phone call'. Here's how it goes, a strange telephone number (more than 12 digits long) turns up on your phone display, when the person picks up the receiver, the person hears a mantra being read and the person drops dead on the spot, frothing at the mouth-going mad?
As a result, the whole girls dormitories went hysterical, crying over the phone, warning their family members of this epidemic.
Conclusion: rumors that involve our own and our loved ones' safety usually spread fast, because people tend to want to take precautions of such too-close-for-comfort dangers.

2. Rumors stick if they're somewhat surprising but still fit with our existing biases.
Example: a rumor about a usually 'conterversial' person saying something that is kind of absurd, but somehow plausible for us to believe because all this while we have 'suspicions' of the person's nature. These rumors stick because they 'click' with what we already believe or want to believe, especially about a person.

3. Easily swayed people are more important than influential people in passing on a rumor.
Why? It's because gullible people buy into the rumor more easily and are more likely and willing to spread the rumor because they believe in it. Example, kids, that's why they easily buy into Grandma's ghost stories of 'momok' and bogeymen. Although, the status and respect that a person earns, might help convince the people they tell.

4. The more you hear a rumor, the more likely you are to believe it.
Practice Makes Perfect. Repetition is the key to memory. Those who study the human brain must very well know of how memory works. The repetition of certain information might actually 'reinforce' the memory and make the details more vivid and famliar. Hence, we remember it better. When the person encounters a new information, the brain recalls the old memory and links it to the new one, and voi'la, the rumor seems to grow more plausible. You may not believe the rumor, but if the rumor has been going around for quite awhile, you tend to think twice. What if it's true? Many people have been saying it that way. It's like you went to three different doctors for a second opinion on your diagnosis, and they all say the same thing. How can you not believe in it?

5. Rumors reflect the Zeitgeist.
The word zeitgeist describes the intellectual, cultural, ethical and political climate, ambiance and moral of an era or also a trend- definition by Wikipedia.
When an issue has long been pondered in the society, and bingo, one day, there came a rumor that confirms the suspicion, what is there not to believe?

6. Sticky rumours are simple and concrete.
Basically, rumors consist of simple information, idiot-proof and easily understood by the general community.

7. Rumors that last are difficult to prove.
Some of the rumors can be so subjective and behind the scenes, that you simply give up trying to disprove of the fact and accept it in defeat. Ever caught yourself saying, "wallahualam"? If you're a muslim, that is.

8. We are eager to believe bad things about people we envy.
This is the sort of rumor that usually plagues Hollywood stars, and builds the foundation for most scoop in the gossip column. (Then again, the 'perangai' of that person always makes us readily accept the rumor about that person whether it is the truth or not because we already know beforehand of how the person will react and are able to make our own 'predictions' of what's to come. The moral here is to be on your good behavior at all times.)
The German term for such psychological condition is 'schadenfreude' that means, taking joy in other people's sufferings. Human beings can be compassionate and cruel. Sometimes, it is considered as entertainment to see other people suffer, especially of those that we have already disliked in the first place.

9. The Ninth Law.
Other reasons that people spread rumors is to prove that they are knowledgable. They already have 'the big scoop' even before any people does. Perhaps, it could be the reason to prove one's prowess in spinning stories. Well, people love a good story sometimes.

The conclusion from this post:
>Avoid rumors at all cost, even if it is in our nature to enjoy them.
>When we have company, well, there is a tendency to spread rumors, so it's better off being alone, but then, human beings do need friends.
>Be careful in what you believe. It is never wrong to question a fact, just to be sure.

For muslims, al-fitnatu asyaddu min al-qatla. Gossiping, rumors= fitnah. The sin of fitnah is worse than murder. A fellow muslim must not be ill towards his fellow muslim brothers and sisters.

So, take good care of yourselves and avoid even listening to rumors and especially spreading them.

This is merely a reminder to all, and to myself as well, as no human being is exempted from any fault.

Today, at my place is a very Rainy Raya Haji. It has been raining the whole day. So, SELAMAT HARI RAYA EIDUL ADHA to all muslims.

saja2 je...

this is ainul mardhiah binti ubaidillah ;)
farisian 0708, 2 taun je...
xtau nk post gp so pendek2 ckup la ek
just a quick reminder utk bdk2 lps spm

jgn buang masa!
mmg best giler spm abis, tp jgn tdo je...tgkla sume citer yg patut tgk, ni la msnye utk dwnlod sume series yg kte xleh tgk ms kt skolah dlu! sbb nnt msuk U dh xdok masa balik...percayalah...i have experience tau...huhu..msuk kolej nnt bukannye bebas sgt~

sentiasa peka psl scholarship offers,

sime darby (kalu rajin isi, borang dia pjg nk mapuh...), petronas biasany x buka lg kot, x igt dh...pastu tnb,mara,jpa,telekom(rasa cm ada, x igt dh...)khazanah,bank negara! isi sume tau...

pastu kalu rajin cari la keje...
boring la duk rmh saja..dhla mbazir masa,x brguna utk bangsa dan negara..hehe...senang je nk cari keje ni...jgnla amik keje biasa kt stesen ngaja bdk2 ke..kalu ikhlas xyah amik duit xpe, asalkan otak kekal tajam..wahaha ;D
pastu cari keje sng2...xyahla amik keje kt kb mall, jd sales girl ke..penat la...lama sgt kena duk situ...cari keje yg blh duduk sket...jd cashier kt farmasi ke(one of my friends amik keje ni dlu,dpt rm1000+ sebulan, jgn main2...)

amikla lesen kereta...
amat brguna kt kolej nanti tau...jgn wat mcm sy, xdok lesen...sedih2 ;(
apa lg ek? ckup la kot...
good luck sume ;)


Happy Eidul Adha, people!!

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah..

It's been a while since my last post. I owe you my big apology because I've been 'seriously' busy lately. Well, you know, life as a college student is totally different from a school student.

And, you know, I've been inviting some people to post their points or anything on this blog. I guess, we already had kamilah to share her words of wisdom on women rights. Impressive, I say. What about you?? accept my invitation asap so that YOU too can be one of the contributors here.

To those who already accept it, keep this blog rocking on, okay?! And also, I REALLY [desperately] need a new name. PLEASE.....



p/s: maybe you can also share your stories of sacrification..well, it's eidul adh, so why NOT??

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Something to Share

What has brought my attention to the topic of women rights was when I watched one of the episodes of Commander In Chief on Hallmark. In that series, the president of the United States was supposedly a woman. Interesting, and she plans to take the stand for women rights to the next level despite the controversies arousing her brave statement. The debate was whether or not it was relevant to debate on an old issue, in respect of the state of today's society. Women of today have a better status than they did way back in the days of history old.

Women emancipation has been heatedly debated especially in the West throughout the time, and perhaps, the most memorable one was of the Suffragettes, fighting the right of women to vote. Some places in Africa, in history, does not even recognize rape of women, as a crime, however, all of that has changed, thankfully. The question now is, are women actually 'emancipated' as we are all thought to belief? well, it depends.Although women's rights has never been an issue in Malaysia, but I do feel a certain 'gender discrimination' common in most culture.

I am not suggesting that women have to do men's jobs or to be like men to be their equals, but I do belief that it is fair that women are also viewed as individuals worthy of respect and are entitled to our own opinions, not merely as eye candy, for that matter.

Society has a way of condemning people into stereotypes, a suffocating culture that dictates how one must or must not act. The unnecessary unwritten laws of the social hierarchy.

Just because women can make housewives doesn't make us slaves to men. Yes, I can accept that women are identified by their economic status as a 'homemaker', but it is unfair to judge whether a not that woman is a 'Lady' by her capability to do house chores. That is not all that women can do. I am not saying that a woman should abandon her household duties to be equal. what I ask is for men to not view women only capable of doing those chores. That is not all that we are good for.

We have as much intelligence as men does. yes, I know, people usually refute that statement by saying that biologically, it is proven, and even in the Islamic religion it is proven.

I say, apologize for my language, bullshit.

Islam has never been unfair to women, that is why they ask us to cover up. The religion respects women in comparison to any other religion in the world. What has opened my eyes to this fact was simply by reading one of my dad's books by Adam Patel titled, Islam Is The Choice Of Thinking Women.It is justified that in Islam, both men and women are treated just the same. I am not trying to prove that women are better than men, or either gender is better than the other, for that matter, please be clear.

In Islam, either the man or the woman is evaluated on their deeds and doings, not whether one is smarter than the other. They can both enjoy the same privileges. The only thing that differentiates the man from the woman, other than biological factors is their separate duties. These duties must not be compared, so it cannot be debated whether any of their duties is more heavier than the other, they are equally heavy, although not the same.

About the intelligence factor, men have a tendency to think in simpler ways, whereas women, tend to think..well..differently, or in some cases, surveys show that women prefer factual subjects compared to calculations. This does not prove that one is smarter than the other. This simply implies that some people do things better than the other, while the other can do other things better than the latter. God has always been fair.

I think, what determines one's success is not in the gender, but in their effort. Success in Islam, is the combination of Doa and Tawakkal. It is the same for all individuals, regardless of gender. You work for it, then you'll get it.Lets say, if people say that women are less successful because biologically they are less smart, that means that all women are doomed to this unfortunate fate. Come on, this is just another one of the tricks that degrades one's motivation. Besides, there are also other factors that determines success, not intelligence alone.

like, do you tell your daughter, "aww..of course you can't beat him although you work hard, he's a guy, it's typical for guys to laze around and still get good grades, he's made that way."It's like saying, it's futile to work hard because you know you'll never beat him, that guys have the genetic upperhand since the whole world is a primordial soup. Are you denying the Divine power in determining one's fate? Whatever happened to Doa and Tawakkal in the equation of success? That also goes the same for cheaters, they have violated the Divine law of Doa and Tawakkal as the key to success.That is the reason why I was compelled to write this entry. I feel that women have still not been fully emancipated psychologically, at the least, in my own classroom. They willingly 'surrender' to the dominant male to keep 'order', and it is those females that earn a name in the boys' good books. I feel that not many of them have the drive to compete with boys, I bet there must be a difference in the all-girl boarding school. How could they have done so well? Was it for women's pride?

I do not wish to invoke feminism in any female readers, honestly, no. When I speak of this issue, some people have labeled me a 'feminist', but from my readings, I have discovered of the feminist movements in the past, and in the West, especially, and from the knowledge of the cause that they are fighting for, I feel that they were absurd and against my religion. The cause of these feminist movements do not celebrate womanhood, they do not embrace it. Instead, they are going against nature's laws regarding women, I suggest you do your reading as well on this.

For me, it always comes down to the basics, it doesn't have to be hard. If in doubt, always go back to Islam's basic teachings, go back to the Prophet's hadiths, to the Quran. They are the guidance, and there is no question to their teachings to distinguish of what's right and what's wrong.About this issue, I believe there is no fighting for required, we just need a few attitude changes from both the man and the woman herself.

For the men, do respect as us individuals who also has rights to her own ideas, not just toys or slaves.

Be honored that women in Islam have been appreciated for their true worth, and be honored that men are made the guardiansof these sacred treausres. That is the sole privilege bestowed upon men above women: the status as the protector, as well as physical strength to help them fulfill their noble task of protecting women.

To women, please take care of yourselves and especially, your DIGNITY. You can compete with men if you set your mind to it, as long as you do not cross the line that Islam has set for you.That is all that matters. Honesty, justice and integrity is the way of Islam. Wassalam.

feel free to comment or express your views.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

keri ok...fikri lah

ok becoz..kak pikah asked me to do this..
hahaha.i'm glad ...
assalamualaikum w b t

a rahmanian and always be...haha..
err batch 2005-2009..
next year will be my last one..
err do i have to post my picture here??..
i guess not..ok..babai

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


salam perkenalan.
saya, nur afiqah mustafpa, kelas 2003-2007, ingin menjemput anda untuk sama2 memeriahkan komuniti faris di sini.

apa yang anda perlu lakukan??

~berikan alamat emel jika anda turut ingin mem'blog' di sini
~berikan cadangan untuk menukar nama blog
~berikan cadangan untuk menukar latar blog ini

terima kasih.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

amar makruf nahi mungkar


konsep ilmu dalam Islam


Allah selalunya menyembunyikan beberapa urusan agama atas hikmah yang tertentu seperti:
  • Allah menyembunyikan Lailatulqadar untuk menguji umatnya, sejauh mana tahap amal ibadat mereka sepanjang Ramadhan
  • Allah menyembunyikan saat penerimaan doa (ijabah segala doa) pada hari Jumaat supaya kita berdoa sepanjang hari itu
  • Allah menyembunyikan sembahyang Wusta dalam solat lima waktu supaya kita memelihara semua waktu solat fardhu
  • Allah menyembunyikan isim adzam di antara nama-Nya supaya kita menyebut kesemua nama-Nya
  • Allah menyembunyikan makna maksiat yang terkutuk supaya kita berhenti melakukan apa jua bentuk maksiat
  • Allah menyembunyikan siapa yang menjadi wali di antara mukmin supaya kita berbaik sangka terhadap semua orang mukmin
  • Allah menyembunyikan kedatangan hari Kiamat supaya kita selalu bersiap sedia
  • Allah menyembunyikan ajal manusia supaya kita selalu dalam persiapan menemui-Nya

dipetik daripada Berita Harian

Isnin, 22 September 2008

kolum AGAMA

oleh Wan Marzuki Wan Ramli

Thursday, September 18, 2008

aNdai iNi rAmaDhAn yAng teRaKhiR

andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu siangnya engkau sibuk berzikir
tentu engkau tidak akan jemu melagukan syair rindu
mendayu..merayu..kepada-Nya Tuhan yang satu
andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu solatmu kau kerjakan di awal waktu
solat yang dikerjakan..
sungguh khusyuk lagi tawaddu'
tubuh dan qalbu..bersatu memperhamba diri
menghadap Rabbul Jalil..
menangisi kecurangan janji
"inna solati wa nusuki
wa mahyaaya wa mamaati
lillahirabbil 'aalamiin"
[sesungguhnya solatku, ibadahku,
hidupku dan matiku..
kuserahkan hanya kepada ALLAH
Tuhan seru sekalian alam]
andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tidak akan kau sia-siakan
walau sesaat yang berlalu
setiap masa tidak akan dibiarkan begitu saja
di setiap kesempatan juga masa yang terluang
alunan al-Quran bakal kau dendang..
bakal kau syairkan
andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu malamnya engkau sibukkan
mengadu..merintih..meminta belas kasih
andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu dirimu tidak akan melupakan
mereka yang tersayang
mari kita meriahkan Ramadhan
kita buru
kita cari
suatu malam idaman
yang lebih baik daripada seribu bulan
andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu engkau bakal menyediakan batin dan zahir
mempersiap diri
rohani dan jasmani
menanti-nanti jemputan Izrail
di kiri dan kanan
lorong-lorong redha ar-Rahman
Duhai Illahi...
andai ini Ramadhan terakhir buat kami
jadikanlah ia Ramadhan paling berarti
paling berseri
menerangi kegelapan hati kami
menyeru ke jalan menuju ridho
serta kasih sayang-Mu Ya Illahi
semoga bakal mewarnai kehidupan kami
di sana nanti
Namun teman..
tak akan ada manusia
yang bakal mengetahui
apakah Ramadhan ini
merupakan yang terakhir kali
bagi dirinya
yang mampu bagi seorang hamba itu
berusaha..bersedia..meminta belas-Nya
andai benar ini Ramadhan terakhir buatku
maafkan segala kesalahan
yang pernah dilakukan
"sesungguhnya aku tidak layak
untuk ke syurga-Mu
aku juga tidak sanggup
untuk ke neraka-Mu"

tentang 5LIMA5 perkara [IV]


p/s: this tazkirah had been posted by a friend of mine.
you can just click on the link below.

tentang 5LIMA5 perkara [III]

Dari Sufyan Sauri: "Tiada berkumpul harta diisi seseorang pada zaman ini, melainkan timbul di dalam dirinya lima perkara:
  1. panjang angan-angan
  2. sentiasa tamak
  3. sangat kedekut
  4. berkurang waraknya
  5. lupa kepada akhirat

tentang 5LIMA5 perkara [II]


"Ambil olehmu lima perkara, kemudian amalkan:

  1. sembahlah Allah sebanyak keperluanmu kepada-Nya

  2. ambil apa-apa dari dunia menurut keperluan selama umurmu di dalamnya

  3. lakukan maksiat kepada Allah, menurut kemampuanmu untuk menanggung azab-Nya

  4. persiapkan bekal di dunia untuk selama mana kamu tinggal di dalam kubur

  5. beramallah untuk syurga, menurut lamanya masa yang kamu inginkan untuk tinggal di dalamnya

tentang 5LIMA5 perkara [I]

Dari Hatim al-Asom:
"Terburu-buru itu termasuk sifat syaitan, kecuali pada lima tempat, maka itu termasuk dalam sunnah Rasulullah S.A.W.
  1. memberi makan tetamu, apabila ia datang berkunjung
  2. menyiapkan perkuburan mayat, apabila telah mati
  3. mengahwinkan anak perempuan, apabila cukup umur
  4. membayar hutang, apabila telah sampai masanya
  5. bertaubat dari dosa, apabila telah melakukannya

Saturday, September 13, 2008


i found out this fact when i was with my study circle. that was from another study circle.

"jikalau pada bulan lain, doa akan mustajab apabila kita berdoa pada waktu2 yg mustajab, tetapi lain pula dalam bulan ramadhan yang penuh rahmah, barakah dan maghfirah ini. setiap masa, setiap waktu, setiap saat, setiap ketika adalah masa, waktu, saat dan ketika yang mustajab apabila kita berdoa."
panggillah Dia, serulah Dia, kerana Dia itu Maha Mendengar. Dia amat menantikan hamba2nya memanggil dan menyeru-Nya. tetapi Dia tidak akan pernah rugi jikalau hamba-Nya tidak mengendahkan-Nya. sebaliknya, kita selaku hamba yang hina dina, daif, kerdil ini, amatlah rugi serugi-ruginya jika kita tidak berdoa. sesungguhnya, doa itu senjata bagi orang mukmin.

i am no good in words.
but with HIM, He doesn't even care about it.
because i know, the most important thing, He's listening.
all the time..

Friday, September 5, 2008

how to beef up your brain??


i extracted this from livescience..

5 ways on how to beef up your brain..
eat your brain food
junk food can junk up your brain
tranx fats and saturated fats in heavily processed food can affect the brain's synapses
omega-3 fatty acids: salmon, walnuts and kiwis-give synapses a boost
and help fight against mental disorder from depression to dementia
hit the gym
exercise is a mild stressor to brain
improve your memory
make you think more clearly
decrease the risk of developing cognitive diseases
trigger the release of chemicals called growth factor,
which make the brain's neurons healthier and stronger
half an hour every other day
stretching helps to reduce stress
mind benders
brainteasers, crossword puzzles and memory games
to stay mentally active
reduce risks ofdeveloping of dementia
provide a boost to the systems that control attention and learning
memory tricks
keeping information stored in your memory banks
retaining memory with age
prediction can enhance memory
give it a rest
give brain a chance to replay memories of the day
consolidate memories for long-term storage
brain can review much faster when asleep
please, no more all-nighters, students!!
90-minute mid afternoon nap helps solidify long-term memories
(just like what our Prophet taught us)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


here is the link for the conference i've told you earlier..

if interested, do visit the link below..

The 1st Regional Conference on Sustainable Development:
"Local Solutions for Global Problems"

go for it, people!!!

new blog

i rarely put new blog's link to advertise, but i'll do it today. just to kill the time. LOL.
it's awien's. with some help from amirul, our master in all the techs thingie, come the....

ana muslimah...

credits for them...

don't forget to view mine, dear awien..

u'll view mine, i'll view yours..

together, we'll view others'..

adieu 4 now..

Saturday, July 26, 2008

patience [sabar]

There's an article that attracted me to share with everyone. It's all about patience. You can read the story in the era of our Prophet, the Messenger of Allah, from the link below.

You'll find how small we are among all. Sometimes, yeah, i agree with the comments, we are hardly to be patient without sighing at the very beginning.

Every pleasure we adore and every hardship we go through, all come from The One and Only, Allah the Almighty. Let's talk about me. I did whining and babbling over things that sometimes messed me up. I overjoyed when everything seemed easy to me. I forgot, there's Allah, watching over me, every second not to miss. After reading the article, I admired how the woman can still survive in her life, despite the loss of all her family members.

*flashed back* Yesterday, I had my study circle session [or usrah, in FARIS' term]. we discussed on the study of aqidah. Our facilitator explained the meanings of Islam, Iman and Ihsan. Islam is when you say Asyhadu alla ila ha illallah, Wa asyhadu anna muhammadur rasulullah, when you perform your solah, when you fast in the month of Ramadhan and when you go for hajj [only for those who are truly capable from sorts of aspects, especially your finance]. Iman is when you believe in Allah, His Prophet, His Angels, His Book, the day of kiamah and the qadar and qada' . Ihsan is the feeling of serving your Creator, to watch every step you take, when you know He's merely watching. Also, she added to my mind, the kalimah syahadah, how special the words are, even they are just few. How the syahadah has the power, under His command, can move the mountains, split the earth. Then, we started to discuss more to other things in Islam. How we are easily to forget, that every thing that happens, comes from Allah. Both pleasure and hardship, are to test our iman. That's what everybody were agreed to. For example, having fever, sometimes turn us to a lazy and dependant person. During the period we are sick, we tend to not perform our solah while we are still capable to do it. We have rukhsah for those who are sick, either to perform their solah by sitting or by laying down. At the same time, believe it or not, all our small sins will be vanished.
That's the beauty of Islam.
Allah knows better. Waallahu a'alam..

Monday, July 21, 2008

cinta nan indah

"Cinta itu indah sekiranya Allah menjadi matlamat"
"Allah tidak memberi kita hak melainkan untuk menyayangi sesama kita"
"Aku menyintaimu kerana agama yang ada padamu, jika kau hilangkan agama dalam dirimu, hilanglah cintaku padamu"
"Kurniakanlah aku seseorang yang aku perlu, bukan seseorang yang aku mahu"
"Cintakanlah aku pada seseorang yang melabuhkan cintanya padaMu, agar bertambah kekuatanku untuk mencintaiMu"
"Jagalah cintaku padanya agar tidak melebihi cintaku padaMu"
"Izinkanlah aku menyentuh hati seseorang yang hatinya tertaut padaMu, agar tidak terjatuh aku dalam jurang cinta nafsu"
"Jagalah hatiku padanya agar tidak berpaling hatiku padaMu"
"Rindukanlah aku pada seseorang yang merindui syahid di jalanMu"
"Jagalah kenikmatan mencintai kekasihMu agar tidak melebihi kenikmatan indahnya bermunajat di sepertiga malam terakhirMu"
"Jagalah rinduku padanya, agar tidak lalai aku merindukan syurgaMu"
"Aku mendambakan cinta suci yang terjaga"
"Cinta kerana Allah tidak ternilai harganya"
"Hubungan ini terjaga selagi dia menjaga hubungan dengan Yang Maha Kuasa"

Saturday, July 19, 2008

first posting..second blog..

ahlan wasahla wa marhaban bikum..
welcome..welcome to my second blog..
this new blog is created, as i'm shifting myself to a new phase of my life [i guess]..insya-Allah..this decision is taken with all my heart..
thanks a lot to some bloggers, that maybe unknown to me, yet inspire me so much..jazakallahu khairan..
hope for the best..insya-Allah..
may Allah bless me always,
as i walk every step on His wonderful earth
as i breathe with the air every second
as my heart pumps the blood inside my body continuously
this is my journey..
that i called..

MY LIFE [hayaatii..]